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Spring Outdoor Activities For Adults (10 Random Ideas)

Looking for Spring outdoor activities for adults? You’re in luck, that’s exactly what we’re discussing in this article. No matter what your hobbies or activity levels are, there’s always something to do outside.

For many, the winter is a time of celebration, sitting wrapped up in your favorite blanket, and spending time with loved ones. Spring ushers in new life, whispering goodbyes to the cold, dreariness of winter. The temperatures begin to warm up, plants begin emerging from the soil, and many species of wildlife welcome their young.

Getting outside during the spring allows you opportunities to witness the magic.

Spring Outdoor Activities for Adults

Here are 10 random Spring outdoor activities that adults can do. Enjoy!

1. Taking a hike

Chances are, there’s a state or national park within a comfortable driving distance from your home. Many people go to discover these parks on self-guided hikes and exploration, but most of these parks have unique opportunities for guided hikes. Check out your state’s Department of Natural Resources website for information on guided hikes that suit your interests. Some guided hikes focus on flora and fauna, while others may focus on the geography of the land. It’s really a win-win situation: hiking is healthy for your body, plus you’ll likely learn a thing or two about the area you live in!

2. Community Gardens

Does your town or city have community gardens anywhere? If you answer “no,” do a little digging and find out if there’s one you didn’t know about. Chances are, there’s a community garden located somewhere. Community gardens are excellent ways to connect with neighbors and meet friends. They also give back to your city or town. If your city doesn’t have a garden yet, talk to neighbors and community leaders about starting one.

3. Community Cleanup

Community Cleanup programs are just that: members of the community clean up specific areas. If you live in an area with hard winters, melting snow and ice often reveal litter and debris. These programs often target small, specific areas. Not only will you be getting outside and exercising in the fresh air, but you’ll also be protecting the planet and beautifying your community.

4. Taking a Walk

Walking is one of the most recommended forms of exercise for adults. It’s a low-impact and heart-healthy activity. Maybe the best thing about taking a walk is that you don’t need a specific place to do it. Pick a park, a favorite neighborhood, or your favorite outdoor shopping center. All of these are ideal areas for a nice walk outside in the crisp spring air. If you don’t like to walk alone, see if you can snag a walking buddy via your neighborhood’s social media pages or through a friend.

5. Plant a Home Garden

Having fresh fruits and vegetables at the ready means a season full of flavor at your dinner table. If you’ve never planted a home vegetable garden, this spring is the best time for you to start! After the thaw of winter, the soil will be workable, allowing you to dig, turn, and plant. If you’re new to gardening and don’t know where to start, check out the extension program from a local university. The Master Gardeners for your area often have a wealth of knowledge on their website or via classes.

6. Join a Club

What’s your favorite outdoor activity? Whatever your answer, you’re probably not alone. Whether you’re into hiking, kayaking, walking, gardening, running, various arts, or yoga, there is probably a club for you. A quick search on the Internet or your favorite social media platforms will help you connect with like-minded individuals in your area. Some groups may have specific meeting times, while others may be more casual.

7. Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning isn’t only for the inside of your home. The snow, ice, and rain from winter wreak havoc on your home and landscape. Depending on your climate, spring is often a great time to get outside and paint or stain fences, garage doors, and shutters. Clean out your gutters, prune various trees and shrubs that bloom on new growth. Spring cleaning can give your home a facelift, even if you’re on a budget.

8. Going Camping

What better way to experience all spring has to offer than camping? Pick your favorite state or national park, reserve your spot, and plan your next adventure. Cooler nights and warmer days lead to ideal camping weather in many areas. Enjoy hiking trails or other outdoor activities during the day, and then gaze at the stars while you warm up by the fire.

9. Update Your Landscaping

Spring is a great time to plant a wide variety of annuals, perennials, trees, and shrubs. If your yard is a little blah, spruce it up! Whether you’re into showy flowers or serene green-scapes, now is the time to get young plants in the ground so their roots take hold before the heat of summer. Draw out a rough plan, research non-invasive or native plants for your growing region, and head to the nursery! You’ll not only get the benefits of exercise, you’ll reap what you sow (literally)!

10. Host an Outdoor Get-Together

outdoor dinner party with friends | image: depositphotos

Summer and fall may take the top spots when it comes to hosting outdoor events, but don’t leave spring out! After being cooped up all winter, your friends and family are probably itching for a cookout! Get some outdoor games set up, fire up the grill, and enjoy each other’s company! If you don’t have the outdoor space for something like a cookout, check out your city or state parks to see if they have pavilions to rent.

Written by OutdoorMotives

At outdoormotives.com we talk about all types of outdoor activities. We answer common questions and recommend the best products to help you enjoy the outdoors as much as possible.


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